Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's a Good LibraryThing

Since I already keep a running list of things I've read, it's nice to have an online version like the one at Goodreads. It helps me remember not only what I thought of something (If not for ratings, most things pass into the 'it was alright but not great' category.), but what that something actually is. I also have quite the extensive 'to read' list that I might start transferring over from a Yahoo! Notepad. That should minimize the time I spend looking up titles when I want to read something new, but can't recall what something on my 'to read' list is.
I used LibraryThing to catalog my home library last year, but have since gotten rid of a ton. Now I intend to use it for its recommendations feature. In fact, I'm putting it to the test. Based on something I really enjoyed ("Sharp Objects"), Library Thing recommended "What the Dead Know". So far, so good. I may even try it out on patrons since my reader's advisory skills stink. Groups and talk might be another valuable tool in that area, but I'll need more time to play with them. Now, if only I didn't have to log into Facebook to access my Goodreads...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

i'm ill so this will not be good

Ah, yes. There's the tool I was looking for. Being able to search blog descriptions rather than blog entries (see previous post RSS part bee). The Popular feature is interesting, and I can see how tags come in handy for searchability. Overall the site feels like the Amazon of blogging, with it's user profiles, favorites, authority, tags, and so on. The site is cluttered making is hard to navigate though. But as I play with it more I suppose it'll get easier. I especially like the Authority feature because I can see that nothing I publish online is interesting enough to warrant any, which I already suspected. At least somebody's honest with me.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 (see also yummy)

I've had a account for some time now (this will sound familiar), but I don't use it that much. Or rather, I use it in fits and starts. Not having a laptop and relying on the internet so much at work, I fully comprehend and appreciate the beauty though. I actually had all these little scraps of paper with sites I wanted to remember or check out that accumulated, and then I heard about Most of my personal account is dedicated to home furnishings and accessories. [After I did all that entering of web addresses kaboodle showed up on the scene. Figures.] I wasn't as aware of the social networking aspect of the site and I'm excited to do some networking to see what I can see, especially as it relates to teen programming and readers advisory. If Google weren't so dang good at their job I might rely on it more for remembering frequently used websites, too. Oh, Google. You make us all so lazy. :sigh:

Monday, February 4, 2008

VINTAGE SAVIOURS and other time wasters

According to this Band Name Generator, I'm gonna make it big with the Vintage Saviours. So, that's pretty sweet. And I also added a countdown clock (see the bottom of this page) to tell me how long I have to finish the Discover 2.0 program. That's a handy reminder, and also adorable.
I fleshed out my Facebook profile with information about myself, and joined the Portland, OR network. I added a few library folks from other branches as friends [Why don't we have an FVRL network?]. I also added the FriendWheel application, so I can visually see how my peeps are connected. Ooh, I also put this blog address on my Facebook. I feel so...2.0